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Village Kids (Summer)

2025 Summer Village Kids program

Days:   Monday-Friday
Dates:  Tuesday, June 10 to Friday, August 22 
Closed Dates:  
Village Kids will be closed:
Thursday, June 19th for the Juneteenth holiday
Thursday, July 3 and Friday, July 4 for the July 4th holiday weekend
Monday, August 25 through Friday, August 29

Hours:  7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Site:      Wilshire Park Elementary School
Ages:   Children who have completed kindergarten through 5th grade in the 2024-2025 school year.
Fees:   Registered 4-5 days a week:  $48 per day
             Registered 3 days a week:  $53 per day
             Registered 1-2 days a week: $58/day
*includes breakfast, lunch, and snack. A 10% sibling discount will apply to the second and third children in a family.

Program Operation 

  • Families can choose the days they need care; however, those days are consistent each week (i.e. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday). Contracts may be modified with a 7 day notice if space is available or, if reducing from full-time to part-time days, a part-time contract in the same grade level can fill the other days.
  • New families pay a one time, non-refundable registration fee: $60 for the 1st child, $40 for the 2nd & 3rd child.

Timeline for registration

Phase 1: February 10-28, 2025 Contracts for full-time care (4 or 5 days each week) will be accepted in Phase 1 from current Village Kids families who are enrolled in our school year Village Kids program. If your family needs part-time care, we will keep the contract on our dashboard and accept contracts for part-time care (3 days or less per week) in Phase 3 (April 1-May 15, 2025), as space allows.

  • If your family registers for full-time care and, at a later date, revises their contract to part-time, the contract revisions will not be accepted unless a part-time contract, in that same grade level, fills the other days.

Phase 2: March 1-31, 2025 Contracts for full-time care (4 or 5 days each week) will be accepted in Phase 2 from Wilshire Park families who are new to Village Kids and not currently enrolled in our school year program.

  • We will accept contracts for part-time care (3 days or less per week) in Phase 3 (April 1-May 15, 2025), as space allows.

Phase 3: April 1, 2025  Contracts for part-time care (3 days or less per week) from current VK or WP families or full-time care (4 or 5 days each week) from non-Wilshire Park families.

Village Kids Summer Care FAQ

Will the program be taking field trips?
Village Kids will be hosting weekly special events including walking field trips may be taken with older kids. We are exploring a monthly field trip with bus transportation to an outdoor location.

Summer enrichment classes will be held onsite at Wilshire Park Elementary School and registration is available through Community Services:

Village Kids staff escort kids to and from summer classes held within the Wilshire Park building.

Are meals provided this summer?  
Breakfast and lunch will be provided through nutrition services and snack will be provided by Village Kids. Children can also bring their own lunch.

If you have additional questions, contact Claire Brodjieski or 612-706-1228

Village Kids (Summer) Logo
Contact Info
3301 Silver Lake Rd NE
St. Anthony, MN 55418
(612) 706-1165

Summer 2025