All Day Preschool operates twelve months a year and serves children 3-5 years of age.
This ECFE class is non-separating for parents and children birth to age 2.
Half Day Preschool offers options for 3 year olds to attend two mornings or afternoons per week or for 4 & 5 year olds to attend three mornings or afternoons per week.
Village Kids is a school-age childcare program that provides care before and after school and on non-school days for children in grades K-5 attending Wilshire Park Elementary School or who reside in St. Anthony-New Brighton School District.
Summer Village Kids offers care for children who have completed grades K-5.
Our early childhood camps and enrichment classes are specifically for children ages 2-6. However, some of our camps and classes are geared for ages 2-9 so siblings can attend together.
We are excited to announce that we have partnered with Fridley Public schools to hire a shared swim lead between our two locations. Learn to swim lessons will be offered at the St. Anthony Pool and the Fridley Middle school pool. Both locations will share the same programming and instructors. If our lessons are full, please check their program offerings at this link to see their availability.
Meet our new aquatics lead!
The St. Anthony/Fridley swim program provides instructional swimming classes which focus on skill progression and safety awareness for all ages from infant to adult.
Located in the beautifully renovated pool at St. Anthony Village High School, our variety of swim lessons and clubs focus on skill development. Swim lessons are limited to 4 students per instructor and each level reinforces previously learned skills and introduces new skills for a fun and rewarding experience! Our classes and clubs include:
A successful “swimmer” should be able to swim on their back and front for 25 yards, jump into deep water, float on back and change positions for one minute and tread water for one minute. Passing level 4 will provide the skills necessary to become a safe and competent swimmer. In levels 5-6, we will continue to work on all of the basic strokes, introduce the breaststroke, butterfly, cover safety topics and work on distance and endurance!
Junior (novice) and Senior (advanced) Sea Dogs Swim Club: After passing level 4, Juniors (Ages 8-18) and Seniors (Ages 12-8) have the opportunity to improve skills, speed and efficiency by participating in a structured but fun club environment.
Master Sea Dogs Swim Club: A year round program for the adult swimmer who would like to improve strokes and endurance in a coached environment.
**Families, please do not register or waitlist for more then one class in a session. This will allow us to better accommodate families in our community. We appreciate your cooperation!**
What steps are taken in the pool and locker rooms to maintain a healthy environment?
What steps are taken to ensure children feel safe, accepted and welcomed in the locker rooms and at the pool?
What are the guidelines at the pool?