All Day Preschool operates twelve months a year and serves children 3-5 years of age.
This ECFE class is non-separating for parents and children birth to age 2.
Half Day Preschool offers options for 3 year olds to attend two mornings or afternoons per week or for 4 & 5 year olds to attend three mornings or afternoons per week.
Village Kids is a school-age childcare program that provides care before and after school and on non-school days for children in grades K-5 attending Wilshire Park Elementary School or who reside in St. Anthony-New Brighton School District.
Summer Village Kids offers care for children who have completed grades K-5.
Our early childhood camps and enrichment classes are specifically for children ages 2-6. However, some of our camps and classes are geared for ages 2-9 so siblings can attend together.
Sign-up to take part in the 4th annual student-directed middle school play this spring! Students will be preparing and performing Mother Goose Is Eaten by Werewolves, and can be involved as a cast member (acting onstage) or crew member (working backstage or working in the tech booth). This production is staff supervised, but is student directed, being organized, produced, and led by current high school students for the middle school.
If you are unable or need assistance to pay for this class, please email Claire at to learn about some options.
Allie Guidish
No Class Mar 6, Mar 10-Mar 11, Mar 13, Mar 24-Mar 25, Mar 27, Mar 31, Apr 7 & Apr 21